Due articoli di cui andiamo molto orgogliosi: NYT and Wine Enthusiast


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Wine Entusiast in Wine Travel Destination 2013: Puglia, Italy


Dicono di noi: “To say that Puglia has Italy’s best food is no exaggeration. It offers fresh ingredients, whether pulled from the sea or picked from the nearest tree. Masseria Il Frantoio is a foodie’s paradise, with a never-ending appetizer spread and grandmothers kneading orecchiette pasta in the kitchen“.


Il NYT. travel in Winter, not summer, is prime in Puglia


Dicono di noi: “Lesson No. 4 unveils itself in short order: Winter is the time to visit a farm in Puglia. All those specialty items you’ll find in local shops — marmalade, nuts, olive oil — most likely were grown, harvested and packaged a few miles away. This quest will lead you directly to the Masseria Il Frantoio — part restaurant, part hotel and part organic orchard, primarily producing olive oil from 4,200 olive trees, some dating back over 2,000 years. It’s not exactly undiscovered — in fact, the owner, Armando Balestrazzi, will happily show off his book of press clippings — but because of the time of year, Ghigo and I had our own private olive oil tasting and lesson on the process“.

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La Masseria Il Frantoio è anche azienda agricola biologica ed è situata a 5 Km dal centro di Ostuni, immersa in 72 ettari di oliveto secolare dal quale si producono 4 oli biologici extravergini e che siamo lieti di presentare a tavola ai nostri ospiti, spiegandone usi e particolarità. Nella nostra tenuta è presente anche un’area attrezzata x accogliere camper. La casa dispone di 13 camere d’epoca, di due giardini, notevole è il frantoio ipogeo risalente al ‘500, unico per dimensione e stato di conservazione.

Masseria Il Frantoio is located 5 Km away from the Centre of Ostuni, in Salento, surrounded by 72 hectares of secular olive grove. On our organic farm we rear 4 different organic extra-virgin olive oils and we offer them to our guests. In our farm it’s located an equipped area for camper. The Masseria offers 13 vintage rooms, two gardens, a oil mill dated back to the 1500, unique oin its size and state of conservation.

Informazioni generali

Ambienti in comune e una libreria con 1500 volumi antichi sono a disposizione per gli ospiti, come anche lettini e ombrellone riservati su 4 spiagge distanti 10 minuti d’auto, mountain bikes, tour dell’azienda in auto d’epoca.

Our guests can enjoy wide and spacious common areas and a library with around 1500 books. We offer sunbeds and beach umbrella reserved in 4 different seasides 10 minutes away from Masseria, mountain bikes, Masseria tours with old cars.
